Lightning Detection &
Warning Devices
Warning means having information in advance that allows the user to start temporary preventive measures before the storm begins. Lightning detection and warning will be complementary to an installed Lightning Protection System (LPS) in certain situations, while in others it will be sufficient to act alone.
Beautiful to behold, lightning is not only one of nature's most powerful phenomena, but one of the most common and destructive. That's why Dhruva Technologies provides Boltek Lightning Detection and Warning Systems that help you to detect and track thunderstorms up to 300 miles away, right from your personal computer. Dhruva Technologies is the only authorized partner of Boltek products in India right from the beginning.
Short Range Detection Systems
Long Range Detection Systems
Short Range Detection Systems
For complete short range detection, we provide all the necessary components to setup a lightning detection system with the appropriate accessories.
The EFM-100 kit comes complete with a high accuracy short range detector, inverted mounting hardware, cables and adapters. It is designed to provide a real time reading of the electrical field in the atmosphere with a time vs e-field graph displayed on a computer along with lightning strike distances accurate to within one mile.
The ERL-10 Programmable Output Relay Module Kit comes complete with lightning detector(s), cables and inverted mounting hardware for the EFM-100. It is ideal for setups looking to connect external devices for either a visual or audible alert system. It can also be setup to connect to a PLC or datalogger. The ERL-10 output data by default is through a USB connection or a RS485 adapter can be connected easily for longer connections.
EFM-100C RS485 Electric Field Mill Kit
High accuracy short range lightning detection from 0 to 24 miles (0 to 38km) with the capability to receive lightning alerts on your cell phone or email while out in the field.
The EFM-100 not only detects nearby lightning but can detect the atmospheric conditions which precede lightning. Electric field data is displayed and graphed on your desktop computer using the included software. For complete electrical isolation from the field mill outside, the EFM-100 connects to your computer using a fiber optic cable. The EFM-100 features aluminum and stainless steel construction for corrosion resistance, gold plated connectors throughout, and the highest quality ball-bearing brushless DC motor for excellent reliability. The electric charge contained in a thundercloud also generates an electric field. This field can be measured on the ground. Electric fields develop wherever there is a difference in electric potential. If the electric field gets high enough you can feel your hair stand on end (if this happens outdoors during a thunderstorm crouch down with your feet together as you are about to be struck by lightning.) An electric field is what attracts your hair to a charged comb or a charged balloon.
- High accuracy lightning detection (0 to 24 miles / 0 to 38km)
- Customizable alarm distances and electric field levels
- Monitors and alerts for weather conditions that precede lightning
- SMS text messaging and E-mail alarm notifications
- Electrical isolation from the field mill to PC or Laptop
- Monitor up to four separate locations per computer
- Inverted Mounting Kit greatly reduces the number of false alarms during heavy precipitation
- Standard RS485 data output with optional fiber optic package
- Aluminum and stainless steel parts throughout for corrosion resistance
ERL10-KIT1 RS485 Lightning Detection Package
High accuracy short range detection with three programmable alert level relay outputs designed for use with the EFM-100. This kit includes the inverted EFM-100 with pole mount, and pre-wired waterproof enclosure with the ERL-10, EFA-21 (or EPM-1), relay output expansion cable and fault buzzer. Status monitor display.
The ERL-10 receives data from the EFM-100 Electric Field Mill short-range sensor (20 miles/32 km). It constantly monitors for lightning and activates its timed relay outputs when lightning is detected. Up to three alerts can be configured, referred to as Red, Orange and Yellow Alert levels. The green All Clear state is entered when no lightning has been detected within the configured time period. When the ERL-10 is first turned on, it enters Survey Mode where it looks for lightning. After several minutes without lightning (configurable but typically 10-20 minutes) the system enters the All Clear state. The green All Clear light on the ERL-10 illuminates and the All Clear relay output activates.
Status Monitor
The ERL-10 Status Monitor software (included) allows the system status and countdown timers to be displayed. Countdown timers clearly indicate the number of minutes until All Clear. Alert activations are timestamped and logged to disk. Graphical log file viewing software is also included.
- Pre-wired IP67 enclosure with relay output expansion cable and fault buzzer
- 1, 2 or 3 alert levels (Red, Red/Yellow, Red/Orange/Yellow)
- All Clear output (Green)
- Fully configurable alert distances, durations and high electric field levels
- 20 miles / 32 km range
- Available High electric field alert warns of conditions when first strike is more likely to occur
- Status Monitor software shows current alert state and minutes: seconds until All Clear
- USB port for configuration and Status Monitor software
- Optional fiber optic input / RS485 output for transmitting status messages to other equipment or to a distant Status Monitor computer
ERL10-KIT2 Duel Sensor Lightning Detection Package
The ERL-10 receives data from the EFM-100 Electric Field Mill short-range sensor (<20 miles/32 km) and a LD-250 long range lightning detector. It constantly monitors for lightning and activates its timed relay outputs when lightning is detected. Up to three alerts can be configured, referred to as Red, Orange, and Yellow Alert levels. The green All Clear state is entered when no lightning has been detected within the configured time period.
When the ERL-10 is first turned on, it enters Survey Mode where it looks for lightning. After several minutes without lightning (configurable but typically 10-20 minutes) the system enters the All Clear state. The green All Clear light on the ERL-10 illuminates and the All Clear relay output activates.
Dual Sensor Coincidence Mode
With Coincidence Mode enabled, a lightning strike must be detected by both the EFM-100 and the LD-250 in order for an alert to activate. This virtually eliminates false alerts that could be caused by persons, animals, insects, etc. near the EFM-100 sensor. Coincidence Mode is only applicable within the range of the EFM-100 (0-20miles/0-32km).
Status Monitor
The ERL-10 Status Monitor software (included) allows the system status and countdown timers to be displayed. Countdown timers clearly indicate the number of minutes until All Clear. Alert activations are timestamped and logged to disk. Graphical log file viewing software is also included.
- Coincidence Mode virtually eliminates all false alerts
- Pre-wired IP67 enclosure with relay output expansion cable and fault buzzer
- 1, 2 or 3 alert levels (Red, Red/Yellow, Red/Orange/Yellow)
- All Clear output (Green)
- Fully configurable alert distances, durations and high electric field levels
- 20 miles / 32 km range, extendable up to 40 miles/64km
- High electric field alert warns of conditions where first strike is more likely to occur
- Status Monitor software shows current alert state and minutes: seconds until All Clear
- USB port for configuration and/or Status Monitor software
- Optional fiber optic connection between sensor and ERL-10 for remote mounted EFM-100 sensor
Long Range Detection Systems
Long-range lightning detectors are helpful in advance planning. The LD-250 and LD-350 are suitable for both desktop and laptop computers. The LD-250 can be used for mobile detection while storm chasing. The LD-350 can be used as a stand-alone lightning network detector. The LRX-1 lightning network receiver is used for covering large areas with high accuracy detection by setting up multiple detectors that transmit data back to a server over the internet.
LD-350 Long Range Detection Kit
The LD-350 Lightning Detector puts a live lightning map on your laptop or desktop computer. Within milliseconds of a lightning strike the detector beeps and your computer displays the strike location. The LD-350's direction-finding antenna measures lightning strike direction while the LD-350's receiver estimates distance from received signal strength. Advanced signal processing in software improves distance accuracy, reducing the effects of strike-to-strike variations in strike energy.
- Long Range detection up to 300 miles (480km) away
- Differentiates between cloud-cloud and cloud-ground lightning strikes
- User configurable alarms
- Internal beeper can easily be enabled/disabled
- USB plug and play device allows for easy PC/Laptop connection
- Software is compatible with all current Windows O/S
- No online or recurring fees
- One year parts & labor manufacturer’s warranty
LD-250 Long Range Detection Kit
The LD-250 Lightning Detector puts a live lightning map on your laptop or desktop computer. Within milliseconds of a lightning strike the detector beeps and your computer displays the strike location. The LD-250's direction-finding antenna measures lightning strike direction while the LD-250's receiver estimates distance from received signal strength. Advanced signal processing in software improves distance accuracy, reducing the effects of strike-to-strike variations in strike energy.
- Live long range detection up to 300 miles (480km)
- Track Storm Movement
- User set alarms for close storm or severe storm alerts
- No online or recurring fees
- One year parts & labor manufacturers warranty
- Portability allows detector to be connected easily to a desktop PC or Laptop’s USB or Serial COM port
- Display software is compatible with all current Windows operating systems
LD-250 Mobile Detection Kit
The LDGPS receiver will adjust the heading while driving so that strikes are still plotted correctly when the vehicle is not facing north. For use on a boat, the LDCMP (electronic compass) is required so that the heading does not change when moving laterally.
- Detect and track lightning within milliseconds on the move in a vehicle or marine application.
- Long Range detection up to 300 miles (480km) away
- Designed for mobile use in a moving vehicle or boat with the GPS or Compass connected
- Tracks storm movement
- User set alarms for close storm or severe storm alerts
- Detects lightning when not connected to a PC or Laptop
- Portable and can be connected to Desktop or Laptop USB or Serial COM port
- No online or recurring charges
- Display software is compatible with all current Windows operating systems
- Quick and easy setup
LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector
The LRX-1 is a high precision / high accuracy lightning network detector that delivers strike data to up to three separate servers within milliseconds of a strike occurrence.
The LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector allows users to create a lightning detection network. In the standard configuration, data from multiple distributed lightning detectors is sent over the internet to a central server for processing. Once the exact strike location is calculated the data is both stored in a database on the server and sent back over the internet to live display clients. Static and animated lightning maps can also be created for display on a web site.
- High accuracy timing GPS and signal capture
- Can be configured with up to three independent servers
- Remote administration and firmware updates
- Weatherproof and UV resistant sensor
- Does not require a PC for data transmission